
Vega (individual tournament)

  • Endorsed three times by FIDE (Dubov system in Torino 2006, Dutch system in Istanbul 2012 and Goynuk 2017). The Dutch system is provided by the pairing engine JaVaFo made by the International Arbiter Roberto Ricca. Currently JaVaFo is the state of art of the Dutch system and Vega was the first software to adopt it and support its development.
  • It has all FIDE swiss systems for individual tournament;
  • It runs natively under operative system Windows, MacOSX, Linux and Raspberry.
  • Vega has been officially adopted by New Zealand Chess Federation (NZCF), Australian Chess Federation (ACF) and Spanish Chess Federation (FEDA). It is de facto the standard program in Italy.
  • It is fully integrated with the FEDA site info64.org that publish all tournaments played in Spain.
  • It is fully integrated with the vegaresult site for both individual e team tournament owned by the Vega's author.
  • Registration up to 1200 players and evaluation of 23 rounds for swiss system;
  • Round Robin system up to 24 players;
  • Automatic pairing due to all FIDE swiss system (Dubov, Lim, Dutch variant, Burstein), swiss USCF, single and double Round Robin;
  • Manual pairing;
  • Taking care of odd numbers of players;
  • Evaluation of results (1-0, 1/2, 0-1, 0-0, etc...) and non standard results (0-1/2, etc...);
  • Administration of the cross-table;
  • Possibility of changing data (results, names, ratings etc.);
  • Taking care of withdrawals and re-entries;
  • Entry of players arriving late during the tournament;
  • Output of pairing lists, reports, cross-tables, lists of players standing, etc...;
  • Elegant tournament web site generation and its FTP to your own site;
  • Rating report to FIDE, USCF (3 dbf files), FSI, ECF, DZW, NZCF, FEDA, ACF ...
  • Import data from any formatted (fixed lenght) database (i.e. FIDE) and CSV file as well;
  • Non standard score: 0-1-3, 0-2-5, 3-2-1-0;
  • Special module to improve the colors after the natural pairing (for USCF);
  • Accelerated rounds up to 3 groups and FIDE Baku accelerated system;
  • prize distribution with Hort system;
  • search FIDE norm and print certificate.

Vega has been translated in English, Italian, French, Finnish, Spanish, Portuguese, German and Russian.

Orion (team tournament)

It is able to administer a big chess event like the Olympiad.

  • Registration of up to 1000 Teams and a max of 30 players for each team. Evaluation up 20 rounds for the Swiss system;
  • Automatic and semi-automatic pairing according to:
    Swiss FIDE Dutch,
    Swiss USCF,
    Olympiad system,
    ECU system,
  • single and double Round Robin.
  • Manual pairing.
  • Evaluation of results (1-0, 1/2, 0-1, 0-0, forfeited, adjourned games, etc...).
  • Facility to change data (results, names, ratings etc.).
  • Import players from any formatted database.
  • Management of withdrawals and re-entries of teams.
  • Output of pairing lists, reports, cross-tables, lists of players standings, etc…
  • Generates web content of the tournament results.
  • search FIDE norm and print certificate.
  • Fully integrated with the publishing site Vegaresult;

VegaTeam (team tournament)

It administers scholastics or team tournament where power and limited options are not important. The Italian Chess Federation uses it in championship with almost 1000 players distributed in 6 sections.
